Saturday 28 March 2009

Physical activity - its easier than you think... With the help of Active Living Every Day...

Physical inactivity is a major health problem in the U.K. In fact, over 60 percent of British people don’t get enough physical activity. Twenty-five percent are almost completely sedentary. Each year, as many as 300,000 deaths in the U.K. are due to physical inactivity and poor diet.

Complicating this, most Briton’s are aware of the health benefits of physical activity but can’t seem to get active. They want to be active but have problems maintaining traditional exercise programs. Although 38 percent of inactive Briton’s say they want to be more active, 50 percent drop out of exercise programs within 6 months.

To address this problem, i am pleased to be offering Active Living Every Day classes. Active Living Every Day is a behaviour change programme, focused on helping sedentary adult’s fit physical activity into their lives in realistic ways. The programme is based on ground-breaking research that has resulted in two important discoveries about physical activity and health.

1. Physical activity need not be strenuous or time-consuming to benefit health. Accumulating 30 minutes of moderate intensity (e.g., a brisk walk) activity on most days of the week can result in significant health benefits.

2. People are more likely to become and stay physically active when taught appropriate lifestyle skills. These skills include identifying and overcoming barriers to physical activity, learning to fit physical activity into a busy schedule, increasing self-confidence, building social support, setting realistic goals, and staying motivated.

Active Living Every Day’s emphasis on moderate-intensity activity, fitting activity into life in realistic ways, and personalising physical activity programs makes it an appealing alternative to traditional fitness programs.

For further information or to register your interest call me on 07725 043902 or drop me an email

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